A Portrait Carved In Wood

Much of my business in the past 30 years has been portraits of ships and boats.

I call my work portraits rather than models. I see my work as being in line with the 19th-century sailor/craftsman showing his ship on moving sea with squalls in the offing to starboard — the portraits are to “self scale” consistent with the size of the display the customer has ordered. This can be within a ten to 24-inch mast hoop for small sailing craft. For a vessel, it can be quite large, like the carving of the Belganland on the blanket chest illustrated here.

I carve my portraits in cherry and in native New England White Pine. The grain pattern behind the boat gives the appearance of water, waves, sky, and horizon. Nature’s provision looks more natural than what you can add with a tool.
I’ve selected a series of pictures from completed portraits to illustrate boat portraiture in wood.

Every year I initiate and complete a small group of select portraits. For further information on commissioning a portrait, contact me at loucarreras @mac.com

2 Replies to “A Portrait Carved In Wood”

  1. These are absolutely beautiful! My grandfather carved too, and often I can feel my self keep towards wood art and wish I’d known grandad. My sis has a shelf deer he carved,
    Reminded me of that now. So much beauty on earth, much to inherit, besides the angst. Thank you for the share.

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